Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It is so nice out today, I decided to shut off the A/C and open the windows.

Speaking of Windows, I installed Windows 7.0 Ultimate on an iMac. The are a few major points to consider, aside from the normal things, like using Apple's Bootcamp to prepare a partition. Firstly, get an actual installation disc from Microsoft. The download is useless for installation on the Mac. Secondly, if you are using Apple's Bluetooth keyboard and Bluetooth mouse, pick up a conventional keyboard and mouse, preferably USB instead of wireless, and have those plugged in. I made both mistakes.

First I partitioned the drive and found the three downloaded files from Microsoft would not install. I waited a week for the disc from Microsoft. $15 extra for a program that cost over $300. Then once I had it installed, guess what? It didn't recognized the keyboard. I had a trackball sitting around from my old laptop, so I was able to use the on-screen keyboard. However, when restarting the Mac, it is essential to hold down the Option key (or Alt key in Windows-land) in order to tell the system whether to load up Mac OS or Windows. Without a working keyboard, the system was locked into Windows with no escape. Catch-22. It felt as if I were trapped in Dante's hell. A quick trip to Staples solved the problem and I'm back with a dual system.

It is a real hoot to see Windows side by side with Mac OS. Right off the bat I have 85 system and security updates, and it got stuck updating Microsoft's Internet Explorer. So much for Windows Ultimate.

Well, I have to put all these things in perspective. They are just issues of software. My neighbor currently has THREE plumbing trucks out front, one covers the whole length of my abode. They've got a small tractor-thingy on their front lawn. Now, those are some real problems. 

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