Monday, August 15, 2011

Tech stuff

Some guy just parked in my driveway, blocking me in. When I heard the commotion, I went out to see if he was lost. He told me he was here to install the cable. Problem is, I already have cable. Hmmm, maybe I should shelve the paranoia and chalk it up to human error. The guy next door is supposedly with the CIA....ha ha.

In the realm of technical stuff, I've been perusing all these computer programming books, and it seems best if I read possibly a basic book on object-oriented programming. If anyone can recommend an appropriate book for someone with no programming experience (definitely don't know C, or C++, or Java, or any of that). Something that would lay the groundwork for learning a language and learning how to code in Objective-C. I'm wanting to write an app for the iPhone or iPad, as so many others have done.

I have lofty goals, considering how the slightest speed bump on the computer sets me back. I successfully installed the Time Capsule/Time Machine and installed a new wireless network. Then after prematurely unplugging the computer (if that was the cause?!), or the dangling electrical cord (how did that happen?), someone the entire thing needed to be reset. Somehow the wireless settings were "changed", but fortunately the original backup which took over two days was not obliterated.

The latest "oops" was downloading a Devmode widget, something a book touted as being able to move a widget from the Dashboard to the front permanently, or I could create my own widget from a website. What it ended up doing was not allowing me to stay on the Dashboard page, and my Desktop was cluttered with 5 open browser windows referencing something #####socialgoogle or something like that. Anyway, I'm glad I signed up (tardily) for Apple Care Protection, because a quick phone call to them and I was guided to the secret library where widgets may be deleted. Lion operating system hides the library, I guess for good reason, to protect if from newbies like me.

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