Friday, August 12, 2011

My sister Juliette

My sister Juliette is in my thoughts, as tomorrow would have been her birthday. She passed away in 2008 after struggling with breast cancer for over a decade. She worked in nursing, helping people with alcohol and chemical dependencies, even while she was receiving chemotherapy and radiation. It was not an easy job under the circumstances. I don't wish to stand on a political soapbox, but I wish sick people could have health benefits and not have to work to retain those benefits. She was fortunate to have Ray as a life partner, and he was such a loving caregiver, and will always be my brother. She was also fortunate to benefit from some of the newer treatments that weren't available 20 years ago. While I did not feel close to Juliette at a younger age, we grew closer together as the years went by, and she was definitely my best friend and closest confidante.  I miss her today and every day.

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