Thursday, January 26, 2012

New leaf

It seems a day off always turns into some major project! I decide to set up a new printer. That is good, after all I paid for it, but didn't imagine it would take almost 2 hours on the phone to HP. Well, they were professional (and native English speakers), and didn't fumble around. While it took time to accomplish all the goals of wireless and ePrinting (and Airplay), their were no major glitches. Glad to have that task off my list and I can move on to  more important things.

Speaking of English, versus other languages, I enjoyed reading Murakami's 1Q84, though I'm not sure that I ever would read another of his books without the recommendation of several friends. This book by itself probably wouldn't entice me to want to read the author, but I do have some fascination with Japan that would tend to drive me towards reading him again. All the mentions of Japanese food and places reminds me of the reason I initially applied for a Passport, in order to visit Japan. It is probably time to crack open those books on learning Japanese, though Spanish would be more practical in my dad-to-day existence.

I joined a first-class gym today, though I haven't used the facility per se. I will probably go tomorrow morning and do a light workout. Or I just might go over with a bathing suit and soak in the hot whirlpool spa. Just another day of turning over a new leaf.

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