Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Techno Times

2012 is shaping up to be a landmark year for my technological progress. I've just received an invite to join Pinterest (thanks Ken!) after suffering the humiliation of having my requests ignored by Pinterest. Such is life! Today I'll be installing Apple TV and hoping my old cable box can at least work with the new flat screen TV (until Verizon can send a box for HD TV). I received the flat screen for free (nothing is free) with my new Prius. Since I drastically overpaid for the Prius, the TV was indeed not free. I let the TV sit in the box for several months, but now that I've decided to catch up on some TV, and get the Apple TV gizmo, I thought if worth installing. I also snapped up a Belkin USB expander for the iMac. I love my iMac and it is stylish and 'all that', but it only has 4 USB ports hidden in the back, and at this point I have data strewn across four external drives (I know...very disorganized) and now an ION slide scanner, an HP All-In-One  and a Logitech trackball. I wouldn't be using the trackball, but I found the iMac sometimes didn't correctly manage it's power, and found the Bluetooth keyboard and mouse and tracker would keep losing their connection. It got so bad, I went and got a Microsoft keyboard that also wasted a USB slot. I'm back to using the Mac Bluetooth keyboard but am still using the trackball. Just thinking about all this stuff is making me sleepy. Might be time for a nap. Before I snooze, I also finally received the solar-powered iPad case to go in it's special bag, so theoretically I can go about 8 days with one charge on my iPad. That is awesome.

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