Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Scores Dead in Bangladesh Building Collapse -

The price of cheap clothing.

Sent from Stacie's "super hot" new iPad
"Stay Positive and Love your Life!"-Nick Hexum

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Newly discovered dinosaur may fill fossil record gap | Science Recorder

I was aware that the Indian subcontinent drifted northward and pushed under the other landmass, raising the Himalayas, but was unaware Madagascar was an offshoot of India.

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LA Times - New focus on scandal in 'All the President's Men Revisited'

About a great film...and a pivotal moment in the public's relationship with their elected leaders. Perceptions and trust have never been the same.

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You Don't Have to Use Marijuana to Celebrate 4/20 or Support Legalization - The Huffington Post

High time to modify these laws and take a saner approach. Focus on real issues, not a bunch of people listening to music and craving snacks.

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